Biden’s Debate Performance

The world stands agog in reaction to Joe Biden’s debate performance last week.  His senility was on full display.  I am baffled, though by two things.

First: the left-wing commentators (sometimes called “mainstream,” in case you wonder about my terminology) seem genuinely surprised at Biden’s mental disability.  How do these people find their own ways to the bathroom?  All of us have known that the guy was non compos mentis since the 2020 campaign.  YouTubers posted video clips without end depicting him, for instance, finishing a speech and staring blankly, not knowing what to do, and having his caretaker (wife) gently turn him in the right direction and walk him off the stage.  How can commentators not know this for four years?

Second: I’m shocked at how the lefties scattered like a flock of birds in response to the debacle.  Nearly everywhere I searched for the next twenty four hours they were frantically repeating the message that Biden was obviously incompetent and had to be replaced.   In other words, they were producing, on their own nickel, video material for the Trump campaign by the truckload.  These people are professional liars and gaslighters.  (As an example, see how they reported the communist attack on the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.)  How can people whose career advancement depends upon their coordinated parroting of the party line break ranks and run, rather than look steadily into the camera and say in unison “There’s nothing to see here.  He has a speech impediment, that’s all”?

Now that they’ve had a few days to consult with one another, they’ve settled on the new message: the only problem was the failure of the CNN moderator to interrupt and argue with Trump.  Of course, that’s the responsibility of the debate opponent, but the lefties are counting on their audience’s biases to override any critical thinking impulses that might try to surface.  “Shame on the moderator for expecting Dementia Joe to frame a coherent answer.”

One thing I might agree with the lefties on is their insistence that Biden’s inability to finish a sentence won’t affect the election.  It seems certain that he wouldn’t lose the yellow-dog Democrat vote, because the alternative would be Trump, which is unthinkable.  The undecideds, though, are another story.  They all know now, if they, bless their hearts, hadn’t figured it out already, that Biden’s mind is gone and Kamala Harris would take his office almost immediately, and her own mind is hardly an improvement over Grandpa’s.  But, on the other hand, nobody has recommended Trump for the Mensa Society, either; so they might consider it a wash either way.

So here we sit, the greatest nation in history, trying to decide which morons to put in office.  The Dims are in quite a quandary since replacing Biden would entail replacing Harris, and she’s in line to be the first mulatta president in history.  So they’d be catching it in the shorts to try that.  They can’t nominate Harris in Biden’s place and then import Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton, since a two-woman ticket has the chance of a snowball in Hattiesburg.  Gavin Newsom is getting mentioned a lot, but the nation has been ridiculing California for years now, so if Newsom became the candidate, well, the jokes write themselves.

In my opinion, the Dims just need to reboot and run two nice, nondescript functionaries — sort of like Mike Pence or Mitt Romney, people who don’t at all represent the wild-eyed lunacy that the Dim Party is known for; people who excite and inspire nobody.  That would be all it takes to defeat Trump.

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